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The Cigar
Discover the groundbreaking Cohiba Royale, the first non-Cuban Cohiba handmade in Honduras, renowned for its strength. This extraordinary cigar combines a dark Nicaraguan Jalapa maduro wrapper, Dominican Piloto Cubano binder, and aged Honduran, Nicaraguan, and Dominican ligero fillers, offering rich, dark flavors for a luxurious smoking experience.
Cohiba Royale Toro: Handmade in Honduras
backThe Maker
Established as a hallmark of quality and luxury, Cohiba is one of the most esteemed cigar brands worldwide. Originating in Cuba in the 1960s, it was initially exclusively crafted for Fidel Castro and high-level officials in the Communist Party. With its commercial introduction in the 1980s, the brand solidified its legacy by producing some of the finest and most desirable cigars globally. Notably, Cohiba's Dominican line is celebrated for its exquisite craftsmanship, blending premium tobacco to create a smooth, rich flavor profile that is enjoyed by discerning cigar connoisseurs.